Jérémie ANDREI, Alain CAVALIER, Julien CRÉPIEUX, Cédrick EYMENIER, Laurent FIÉVET, Dominique FURGÉ, Marylène NÉGRO, Oleg TCHERNY, Kees VISSER, CW WINTER, Rémy YADAN
19.01.2011 / 29.01.2011
galerie Poggi Bertoux
115/117 rue Lafayette
75010 Paris
w/ Cedrick Eymenier's "P#12 Tokyo" with music by Akira Rabelais, Oren Ambarchi, Taylor Deupree. Watch trailer here
this blog is dedicated to cedrick eymenier's news & archive (2001-2014) official website : www.cedrickeymenier.com
PointLignePlan / La Fémis
POINT LIGNE PLAN Programme 2010
Cédrick Eymenier / Ondes et particules
Mercredi 27 octobre 2010 à 20h30
La fémis, 6 rue Francœur - 75018 Paris
-Event Horizon
2009, 10 minutes, vidéo
musique originale de i8u (France Jobin)
Depuis un volcan éteint, l'attente du feu d'artifice.
-Platform #12 Tokyo
2008, 39 minutes, vidéo
musique originale de Akira Rabelais, Oren Ambarchi et Taylor Deupree
A lire le texte de Émeric de Lastens "Alphavilles" ici
Cédrick Eymenier / Ondes et particules
Mercredi 27 octobre 2010 à 20h30
La fémis, 6 rue Francœur - 75018 Paris
-Event Horizon
2009, 10 minutes, vidéo
musique originale de i8u (France Jobin)
Depuis un volcan éteint, l'attente du feu d'artifice.
-Platform #12 Tokyo
2008, 39 minutes, vidéo
musique originale de Akira Rabelais, Oren Ambarchi et Taylor Deupree
A lire le texte de Émeric de Lastens "Alphavilles" ici
Pleins Feux
PLEINS FEUX 2010, Ivry-sur-Seine, 17/18 septembre 2010
Dans le cadre des portes ouvertes des ateliers d’artistes d’Ivry-sur-Seine, pointligneplan présente des films de la collection diffusés dans l’espace public.
projection extérieure sur la terrasse du 97 bis, avenue Georges Gosnat
Vendredi 17.09 de 20h30 à minuit
Samedi 18.09 de 20h30 à minuit
avec les films de Fanny Adler, Cedrick Eymenier, Cécile Hartmann, Romain Kronenberg, Christelle Lheureux, Julien Loustau, Cécile Paris, Arnold Pasquier, Vincent Roux, Sarkis et Adam Vackar.
more infos
Salon de Montrouge (suite)
Samedi 2 octobre 2010, 16 heures
La Fabrique
51, avenue Jean Jaurès
Montrouge (92)
Exposition publique des œuvres, entrée libre, sur place :
du samedi 25 septembre au vendredi 1er octobre de 12h à 20h,
et le samedi 2 octobre de 11h à 13h
Cédrick Eymenier
"Abrash E.P." disque vinyle + tirage photo
"Perla" photographie
"Reflexion Bird" video
Vente aux enchères, publiques et sans frais, d’œuvres des artistes du 55ème Salon de Montrouge. Sous la conduite de Maître Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Commissaire priseur habilité & Stéphane Corréard, Expert, Commissaire artistique du Salon de Montrouge. 150 œuvres par 68 artistes.
La Fabrique
51, avenue Jean Jaurès
Montrouge (92)
Exposition publique des œuvres, entrée libre, sur place :
du samedi 25 septembre au vendredi 1er octobre de 12h à 20h,
et le samedi 2 octobre de 11h à 13h
Cédrick Eymenier
"Abrash E.P." disque vinyle + tirage photo
"Perla" photographie
"Reflexion Bird" video
VOLUME is pleased to present Presence, an afternoon of immersive sound, video, and durational performance work at the Torrance Art Museum on June 26, 12-5pm. Presence plays with the multiple meanings of the title to contextualize divergent practices by a unique selection of artists all working across a spectrum of time based media, whether it is video, sound, durational performance, or installation.
Artists include Jen Boyd (audio performance), Frank Bretschneider (screening), Jeff Cain & Mark Steger (collaborative video performance/installation), Heather Cassils & Kadet Kuhne (sound and durational performance), Richard Chartier (sound element), i8u & Cédrick Eymenier (audio/visual performance), Monique Jenkinson (video screening), Marc Manning (audio/visual performance), Mem1 (audio/visual performance), A.B. Miner (film screening), Yann Novak (audio performance), Adam Overton (durational performance), Taisha Paggett (durational performance), Semiconductor (video screening), Sublamp (audio/visual performance).
> live screening of Event Horizon (v35')
film by Cedrick Eymenier
music by i8u
PRESENCE June 26, 12 - 5 pm
Torrance Art Museum (California, USA)
curator - Mo Gourmelon
In this selection of French films, made for the most part by young directors already recognized on the national and international scene, the notion of strangeness is developed through images which waver between documentary and fiction. Porous boundaries between contemporary art, performance, cartoon and film are involved. A relation to the city and architecture is woven by way of strolling, chance, memory and dream. In a combination of pictures and sounds, a certain swaying quality lends these images a general impression of floating. In this context, the deliberate absence of sounds underpins the strangeness all the more.
with Laetitia Benat, Benoit Broisat, Cédrick Eymenier, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Cécile Paris, Fabien Rigobert, Raphaël Zarka.
> screening of Platform #02 London, 2007
film by Cedrick Eymenier
music Motion & Sogar
It is when I am walking around and discovering the cities that I film or photograph that I make my choices. The decision to stop at a given spot to shoot is usually prompted by something that suddenly captures my attention. I like the reflection to be intrinsically linked to a point of view, because it requires that the camera be placed in a precise place. A reflection allows you to multiply space, like a Cubist readymade. It also means you don’t have to be standing opposite what you want to film, which is very convenient. The omnipresent reflections of modern cities (glass buildings, shop windows, the coachwork of cars and public transport, etc.) make it possible to juxtapose spatially remote elements in a single image. C.E.
SURREAL, Contemporary French VideoArt
NCAA, National Center for Contemporary Arts > screening of Platform #02 London, 2007
film by Cedrick Eymenier
music Motion & Sogar
It is when I am walking around and discovering the cities that I film or photograph that I make my choices. The decision to stop at a given spot to shoot is usually prompted by something that suddenly captures my attention. I like the reflection to be intrinsically linked to a point of view, because it requires that the camera be placed in a precise place. A reflection allows you to multiply space, like a Cubist readymade. It also means you don’t have to be standing opposite what you want to film, which is very convenient. The omnipresent reflections of modern cities (glass buildings, shop windows, the coachwork of cars and public transport, etc.) make it possible to juxtapose spatially remote elements in a single image. C.E.
SURREAL, Contemporary French VideoArt
Ekaterinburg (RUSSIA)
16 + 17 june 2010, 19:00
IbisRouge à Montrouge
Exhibition of Cedrick Eymenier's Abrash / Scarlet Ibis project
- Abrash, vinyl edition by Cats Hats Gowns (Coriolis Sounds CS-003)
- Corocoro Rojo, foto 60x40cm
- Scarlet O' Abrash, new video w/ music by Cats Hats Gowns
(watch an extract on Coriolis Void)
55° Salon de Montrouge
6 mai – 2 juin 2010
vernissage 5 mai, 18h
La Fabrique
51 avenue Jean-Jaurès, Montrouge (F)
Le Carillon de Big Ben
90 artists : Fanny Adler, Saâdane Afif, Dove Allouche et Evariste Richer, Lara Almarcegui, Leonor Antunes, Jean-Marc Ballée, Davide Balula, Vincent Beaurin, Karina Bisch, Katinka Bock, Ulla von Brandenburg, Matti Braun, Stéphane Calais, Mircea Cantor, Les frères Chapuisat, Nicolas Chardon, Nina Childress, Claude Closky, Peter Coffin, Delphine Coindet, Isabelle Cornaro, Christophe Cuzin, Simone Decker, Philippe Decrauzat, Olivier Dollinger, Yan Duyvendak, Cédrick Eymenier, Sammy Engramer, David Evrard, Sylvie Fanchon, Ivan Fayard, Isa Genzken, Geert Goiris, Laurent Grasso, Mona Hatoum, Benjamin Hochart, Alain Huck, Véronique Joumard, Jacques Julien, Jan Kopp, Vincent Lamouroux, Guillaume Leblon, Jean-François Leroy, Renée Lévi, M/M, Vincent Madame, Didier Marcel, Enzo Mari, Isa Melsheimer, Mathieu Mercier, Laurent Montaron, François Morellet, Petra Mrzyk et Jean-François Moriceau, Robert Morris, Olivier Mosset, Edit Oderbolz, Gabriel Orozco, Gyan Panchal, Florence Paradeis, Steven Parrino, Julien Pastor, Eric Poitevin, Marie Preston, Julien Prévieux, Tony Regazzoni, Hugues Reip, Silvana Reggiardo, David Renaud, Peter Regli, Didier Rittener, Bojan Sarcevic, Edouard Sautai, Mathias Schweizer, Alain Séchas, Kiki Smith, Kristina Solomoukha, Nathalie Talec, Julien Tiberi, Thu Van Tran, John Tremblay, Tatiana Trouvé, Pierre Vadi, Jean-Luc Verna, Emmanuelle Villard, Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Virginie Yassef et Aurélie Godard, Raphaël Zarka.
Le Carillon de Big Ben
Curated by Claire Le Restif
7 mai - 6 juin 2010
Centre d'art contemporain d'Ivry - le Crédac
93, avenue Georges Gosnat - 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine (F)
Photo : (c) André Morin / le Crédac
poses | 01
poses|01: cédrick eymenier
Les Coïncidences N'existent Pas, photographies de Cédrick Eymenier
Les Coïncidences N'existent Pas, photographies de Cédrick Eymenier
Revelations, texte de Jeff Rian
poses|01.2 textes
poses|01.2 textes
Le Photographe N’a Pas Voulu Dire Que, Michka Assayas
Lapidaire, Isabelle Blondie
Afterimage, Damon Krukowski
L’antiquaire De La Via Mariano Stabile, Jean-Hubert Gaillot
La Ferme Japonaise, Gaëlle Obiégly
PLP filmmakers
POINTLIGNEPLAN vient de mettre à jour sa collection de films au croisement du cinéma et de l’art contemporain. Elle réunit aujourd’hui 42 auteurs et 100 films.
Ces films sont accessibles dans leur intégralité en vidéo à la demande sur www.pointligneplan.com et www.plpfilmmakers.com
Cette collection confirme l’émergence d’œuvres singulières inquiétant les lignes de partage entre documentaire et fiction, journal filmé et essai, fonction narrative et expérimentation plastique, cinéma et art contemporain.
Avec le soutien du Forum des images, du Centre national des arts plastiques et du Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.
Issue Project Room, NYC
17 February 2010, 8:00 pm
By Cedrick Eymenier (2002- 2008)

P#01 EuraLille – music by Giuseppe Ielasi
P#02 London (Canary wharf + City) – music by Motion & Sogar
P#03 La Defense (Paris) – music by Sogar
P#04 Dalle Beaugrenelle (Paris) – music by Pirandèlo
P#05 Porte de Bagnolet (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#06 Porte de Bercy (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#07 Aéroport Roissy CDG (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#08 Frankfurt – music by Cats Hats Gowns
P#09 Chicago – music by Fennesz
P#10 Miami – music by Stephan Mathieu
P#11 Rotterdam – music by Vladislav Delay
P#12 Tokyo – music by Akira Rabelais, Oren Ambarchi, Taylor Deupree
At the Old American Can Factory
232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215

By Cedrick Eymenier (2002- 2008)

P#01 EuraLille – music by Giuseppe Ielasi
P#02 London (Canary wharf + City) – music by Motion & Sogar
P#03 La Defense (Paris) – music by Sogar
P#04 Dalle Beaugrenelle (Paris) – music by Pirandèlo
P#05 Porte de Bagnolet (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#06 Porte de Bercy (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#07 Aéroport Roissy CDG (Paris) – music by Sebastien Roux
P#08 Frankfurt – music by Cats Hats Gowns
P#09 Chicago – music by Fennesz
P#10 Miami – music by Stephan Mathieu
P#11 Rotterdam – music by Vladislav Delay
P#12 Tokyo – music by Akira Rabelais, Oren Ambarchi, Taylor Deupree
At the Old American Can Factory
232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Studion: Interference
28 januari - 21 februari 2010
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Curated by Michael Capio & Tina Hanssen
Konstnarer: Ultra-red, Support Structure: Celine Condorelli & Gavin Wade, Il Faut, Freq_Out Orchestra, Mika Tajima, Carsten Nicolai, Brandon LaBelle, Jacob Kirkegaard, Mattin, Kirsten Reese, Cedrick Eymenier, Miki Yui, Liam Gillick, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Sebastien Roux, Carl Michael von Hausswolff och Henrik Andersson.
INTERFERENCE: Fields for Listening and Praxis is a group exhibition that aims to bring together practitioners and collectives who adopt sound-based practices as an interventionary tool for focusing on sonic interferences in public environments and social space, while providing a platform for critical discussion within the installation environment with recordings, screenings, performance, printed materials and a micro-conference scheduled later this year. The exhibition takes its subtitle from French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu who used the term 'fields' to describe groups of interrelated social actors that reflect objectified forms of economic interest. For many sound artists this has become a guiding principle for work that introduces field recordings or ambient sounds into institutional spaces, which become instrumental for providing a context that places sound within a broader set of questions about public and private space, mediation, commercial space and second nature. Our intention is to open a dialogue between architectural practices and sound-based initiatives to foreground sound's inherent functionalism within the built environment.
Most urgent here are artistic practices that address the institutional space and its claim of 'neutrality' in an effort to bring attention to its commercial equivalent in retail space - repurposing the conventional function of the installation environment for onsite production. We are particularly interested in artistic practices that engage with background music and the production of 'atmosphere' in public spaces and the gallery environment for observing the conflated or smoothed out relationship between the two. This means that it becomes crucial to critically approach the relationship between sound and public space to trace its impact on human behavior, modes of listening and social relations.
28 januari - 21 februari 2010
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Curated by Michael Capio & Tina Hanssen
Konstnarer: Ultra-red, Support Structure: Celine Condorelli & Gavin Wade, Il Faut, Freq_Out Orchestra, Mika Tajima, Carsten Nicolai, Brandon LaBelle, Jacob Kirkegaard, Mattin, Kirsten Reese, Cedrick Eymenier, Miki Yui, Liam Gillick, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Sebastien Roux, Carl Michael von Hausswolff och Henrik Andersson.
INTERFERENCE: Fields for Listening and Praxis is a group exhibition that aims to bring together practitioners and collectives who adopt sound-based practices as an interventionary tool for focusing on sonic interferences in public environments and social space, while providing a platform for critical discussion within the installation environment with recordings, screenings, performance, printed materials and a micro-conference scheduled later this year. The exhibition takes its subtitle from French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu who used the term 'fields' to describe groups of interrelated social actors that reflect objectified forms of economic interest. For many sound artists this has become a guiding principle for work that introduces field recordings or ambient sounds into institutional spaces, which become instrumental for providing a context that places sound within a broader set of questions about public and private space, mediation, commercial space and second nature. Our intention is to open a dialogue between architectural practices and sound-based initiatives to foreground sound's inherent functionalism within the built environment.
Most urgent here are artistic practices that address the institutional space and its claim of 'neutrality' in an effort to bring attention to its commercial equivalent in retail space - repurposing the conventional function of the installation environment for onsite production. We are particularly interested in artistic practices that engage with background music and the production of 'atmosphere' in public spaces and the gallery environment for observing the conflated or smoothed out relationship between the two. This means that it becomes crucial to critically approach the relationship between sound and public space to trace its impact on human behavior, modes of listening and social relations.
on-line Autoritratto
A contribution to the Portraits Serie of POINT LIGNE PLAN by
Cedrick Eymenier. A very special thanks to Sébastien Jamain.
Fanny Adler par Philippe Terrier Hermann
Emmanuelle Antille par Emmanuelle Antille
Candice Breitz par Christian Merlhiot
Cédrick Eymenier par Cédrick Eymenier
Valérie Jouve par Philippe Fernandez
Ange Leccia par Christian Merlhiot
Christelle Lheureux par Julien Loustau
Valérie Mréjen par Christian Merlhiot
Cécile Paris par Éléonore de Montesquiou
Sarkis par Arnold Pasquier
& many others...
Cedrick Eymenier. A very special thanks to Sébastien Jamain.
Fanny Adler par Philippe Terrier Hermann
Emmanuelle Antille par Emmanuelle Antille
Candice Breitz par Christian Merlhiot
Cédrick Eymenier par Cédrick Eymenier
Valérie Jouve par Philippe Fernandez
Ange Leccia par Christian Merlhiot
Christelle Lheureux par Julien Loustau
Valérie Mréjen par Christian Merlhiot
Cécile Paris par Éléonore de Montesquiou
Sarkis par Arnold Pasquier
& many others...
Saison Video 2010
3 films by Cedrick Eymenier available on-line on www.saisonvideo.com
Mirissa, Tact & Reflexion Bird.
In addition an interview with Mo Gourmelon is published in Saison Video 2010 Catalogue.
Mirissa, Tact & Reflexion Bird.
In addition an interview with Mo Gourmelon is published in Saison Video 2010 Catalogue.
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